Saturday, 27 October 2018

This sure fire registry tweak for PCs will save you tons of Data

 Hi there...

>>>>This blog will not be responsible for any undesired  aftermath of trying this tweaks. We advise that you know what you're doing before diving in<<<<

There's one sure way I was able to disable mine and that is by tweaking the registry...

Let me tell you before hand, that
1. The article is long. So if you aren't a PC person, just give someone your laptop to help in following the guidelines.

2. This registry hack is not so complicated but you should also be careful, don't try what you don't know!

So shall we?

Before I go ahead with my suggestions, chances are

1 . You've tried the "turn on metred connection" and you probably didn't find it... No! I'm so sure you didn't find it

2. You've also "disabled" auto-updates. Why is the word, disabled in quotes? Because that main download still goes on in win 10.

***let's now move on...

You're going to try one last thing- [b] tweaking the registry[b/]

So, here we go >

Press Win key+R > in the run box (I need a better name), type "regedit" without the quotes. This opens the registry editor.

In the registry editor, Navigate this path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\DefaultMediaCost

Right click "DefaultMediaCost key" > select "Permissions" > this takes you to the security tab.

On the security tab, click "advanced" button. Click the "change" button next to "Trustedinstsller".

In the "enter object name" box, type Administrators, click the "Check Names" button to make sure you're typing the correct object.Click OK.

On the "Advanced Security Settings for DefaultMediaCost" , check the "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects"Click Apply > OK.

On "Permissions for DefaultMediaCost" , select the "Administrators group" , be sure to check the "allow Full Control" box . click Apply > OK.

On the DefaultMediaCost key, there are different entries, including those for 3G, 4G, Default, Ethernet, and WiFi with their default data values: 1 or 2.

data value 1 means that the connection type is non-metered,
data value of 2 means that the connection type is metered.
Double-click the Ethernet DWORD (32-bit) Value key, and change the value to 2.

***Do same for Wi-Fi.

>>>restart your laptop <<<

This explanation I just gave is from an article on windowscentral treating the same issue. I must say it saved a lot of my Internet data.

So before you contemplate a downgrade, consider this registry tweak.

*If you still experience huge data consumption after the above tweak, then you can go ahead with your downgrade...

To downgrade, you'll need a copy of Windows on DVD or flash drive.

Backup your files before the downgrade

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